Thank you, Dr. Crews for your contributions to the body of Christ. Bible Study Time has been a member of NRB since 1978. What if you are talking to the tares that the enemy mixed in with Gods wheat? Just as we who were once His enemies (Colossians 1:21-22) were brought under His reign, coming to know Him as Lord because we were given obedience by grace, so will all other enemies of God. Dr. Freda Lewis-Hall Life Sciences Leader Former EVP, Chief Medical Officer, & Chief Patient Officer at Pfizer, Inc A pioneer in medicine and leadership, Freda Lewis-Hall, MD, DFAPA, MFPM has been on the frontlines of healthcare for more than 40 years as a clinician, researcher, and leader in the biopharmaceuticals and life sciences industries. (4) Or do you despise the riches of His kindness, and the forbearance and long-suffering, not knowing that the kindness of God leads you to repentance? But you think it is to show all those people burning in hell what they are missing, because God has predestinated them to gnash their teeth in torment forever, while you are licking your lollipop in Heaven. But judgment shall return to righteousness; and all the upright in heart shall follow it (Psalms 94:15 MKJV). Dr. Freda Lewis-Hall, Chief Medical Officer of Pfizer, explains. He is so cocksure of himself that, without paying any attention to what we have to say, he defies Paul to a public debate where, or at whose expense, and before what kind of audience, he does not say. In other words, you conclude that those who are not chosen in this world have been predestined to eternal torment (a dualism God never annunciates). With a plethora of skills, Dr. Ginsberg specializes in not-for-profit-social service management, social justice counseling, service delivery to The Lord has said, If I have not made day and night, and if the limits of Heaven and earth have not been fixed by Me, Then I will give up caring for the seed of Jacob and of David My servant, so that I will not take of his seed to be rulers over the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob: for I will let their fate be changed and will have mercy on them (Jeremiah 33:25-26 BBE). Disco Diva Gloria Gaynor Opens Up To Dr. Phil And Pfizer's Dr. Freda Sponsored Content by Pfizer Grammy Award-winning singer Gloria Gaynor describes surviving osteoarthritis. She assisted her husband with pastoral duties and devoted her life to ministry while raising a family. What is hell if not the infectious core of rebellion? His works and achievements be damned to Hell, every last one of them. You declare you could care less what I have written as a convenient invention to avoid answering for your teachings and manners. When they heard me preach they decided I was the man. Dr. Crews was also a very accomplished private pilot. The only thing God owes any of us is justice, which if we receive will put us in the lake of fire forever. (Page 13). Throughout her life, Dr. Crews held many positions in ministry, while also assisting her husband in ministry as together they pastored churches in Florida, Texas, Michigan, Kentucky, Arkansas, Georgia, South Dakota, and South Carolina. We decided to contact Mr. Crews. Besides many other doctrinal errors, here are two primarily blasphemous ones: First, that God (Who is Love) would have such a diabolical concept as an eternal torment (as people commonly understand the word eternal in modern English) for many created in His image. Even blaspheming, unbelieving Jews will be reconciled to God when their time is fulfilled, according to the gospel that was revealed through Paul: For if their casting away means reconciliation for the world, what will their acceptance be, if not life from the dead?For I do not desire you to be ignorant, brothers, of this mystery, lest you be wise in your own opinion, that blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. It is not the living, but the dead who need Life. She "literally" saved my life one night in 1982. How can clay dispute with the potter over what he makes of it? You do not demonstrate the Spirit of Christ. Dr. Freda V. Crews, 86, of Lake Bowen, SC departed for her heavenly home and into the presence of her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on Friday, October 21, 2022. Dr. Crews was the Pastor of Hope for Living Media Church, and founder and speaker for the Truth for Living radio program until she passed. Do you deny that you teach in your little booklet that God has predestinated some people to burn in Hell with unceasing torment, time without end and no change forever? Dr. Crews received a B.A. Listen online, no signup necessary. He graduated from Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine in 1995. I must also reject the universalists idea that every man will be saved. What if they are not among the elect, but are among those who are categorized as stains in the saints love feasts, certain men who have crept in unawares (Jude)? Rather than meaning no mercy forever for those He has not elected or saved in this world, Gods unlimited power and judgment means the very opposite. Its no wonder that your scriptural errors abound clearly and profusely. Your suggestive insinuations also prove nothing. It is a simple question which elicits a simple answer of yes or no. When they heard me preach they decided I was the man. Now we will ask you, Mr. Crews, why dont you post all of our correspondence on your website, since, by your own reckoning, you have really shown us up? When God crosses the will of an individual, and that individual fights God knowingly or unknowingly, God will either break him in grace and make him submit to Him unreservedly, or leave him alone and later break him in judgment when he passes away in death. Looking for information about Alexander, AR and people living there? Time for Hope Practical solutions to real life problems with Dr. Freda Crews. Spartanburg County Dispatchers received a 911 call from Freda Crews at 7:16 p.m. on the date. Box 1714, Spartanburg, SC 29304. Either way or both ways, by grace and truth, God will deliver whom He will from the clutches of a diabolical, Pharisaical teacher. Why would we not wish to air your rantings when they so vividly prove the bankruptcy of your spirit, doctrine, and standing? She assisted her husband with pastoral duties and devoted her life to ministry while raising a family. How can you call hell a merciful purpose when you claim that Gods mercy is limited? God never said anything remotely close to what you blasphemously attribute to Him. When? (II Peter 1:10). Dr. Crews also completed a Doctorate of Philosophy at International University for Graduate Studies in St. Kitts, where she later held the position of Director/Dean of the International University for Graduate Studies School of Christian Counseling. Shouldnt he be upset, if your doctrine is correct, knowing he is elected by God to suffer the everlasting flames of hellfire? We would like to offer our sincere support to anyone coping with grief. She passed away at home, surrounded by her loved ones, following a lengthy illness. Dr. Crews has also done post-doctoral study at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, N.C. His honorary degrees include a Doctor of Literature from Florida Research Institute and a Doctor of Sacred Theology from Sacramento Baptist Seminary. He, and not death and hell, is the Alpha and Omega. Stop your crying and wipe away your tears. How can you distinguish between sadness and depression? Your doctrine of election stops way short of Gods intentions, not acknowledging His heart and mind towards His creation, because you do not know Him. Using human logic to build on this error has caused you to come up with all kinds of nonsense and wickedness in your little booklet. Please tell me that this is a parody. Read our section on The Restitution of All Things, particularly The Good News and The Reconciliation of All Things. If you have something more in mind for a debate, tell us what that is. Paul said, now if any man have not the spirit of Christ, he is none of His (Romans 8:9). Box 1714, Spartanburg, SC 29304. She was born March 17, 1936, in Olustee, FL to the late William H. and Martha Crawford Green and was the wife of the late Dr. William R. Crews. Lets cut to the chase. He is so sure of his election to Heaven when we see even more surely that he is destined for the fires he presumes he will escape. What if one is a goat? Steve Wise. Ill shoot holes through your erroneous doctrine. The full harvest of God that follows His firstfruits is also described: After these things I looked, and lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, out of all nations and kindreds and people and tongues, stood before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, with palms in their hands. But when He says that all things have been put under His feet, it is plain that it excepts Him who has put all things under Him. Dr. Crews, along with her husband, founded Bible Study Time, a Spartanburg, SC based non-profit ministry, in 1974 where she held the position of CEO until the time of her passing. Dr. Crews was a lifelong powerhouse in Christian service, assisting her husband, the late Dr. William R. Crews, with pastoral duties and devoting her life to ministry while raising a family. She was awarded, in recognition of achievement in the way of outstanding contributions in the fields of Business, Theology and Professional Counseling, the 2007 Business Theology and Professional Counseling Award and the 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century. My condolences to the family and loved ones. Therefore, taunting us to cut to the chase and have a debate is a little late and a lot lame. God will take His scalpel and lance the infectious core of rebellion at the very place it localizes or sends the individual to hell when he dies. (Page 49). And why would we not do this, even gladly so? Funeral Home website by. But on that morning, Jan. 20, 2022, Dr. Andrew Riebe found the injuries had nothing to do with a vehicle accident. Saul of Tarsus was among those who persecuted the Lord (Acts 9:4), but the Lord turned him, as an example of His longsuffering and what, omnipotent power? The first woman to graduate from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Chicago, IL, she earned a Doctorate of Ministry. He also holds a Master of Arts from North American Baptist Seminary in Sioux Falls, S.D. That is not the way of Christ or any of His true ministers. Isnt that what Paul showed Israel and all those to whom he preached the gospel? The clearest advice was in, I identify a lot with the part of the sin of masturbation, there was a time when I fought with, 11 - The Issues of Life to Troublous Times, 12 Troublous Times To Satan's Second Expulsion, True Hope for Dutch Reform Church Members and All Calvin Doctrine Victims, Religion Sucking Out the Brains of Grown Men. You are a yellow belly coward who likes to arm chair a discussion without someone who can answer you on the spot. An online guest register is available at Published on November 29, 2022. She assisted her husband with pastoral duties and devoted her life to ministry while raising a family.She completed her Master's Degree at North American Baptist Seminary in Sioux Falls, SD. Where? Tell that to the people who are allegedly burning in hell forever. You seem to have answers to my views of The Doctrine of Election. You rebel against Gods dominion, doing your own thing, vaunting yourself as if He is with you in your blasphemous works; He is not and we are here in His Name to dethrone, dehorn, and defang you. . Our site is open for all to hear your answers, if you have any. All Rights Reserved. Your ravings, rantings and hellacious ideations and rhetoric prove nothing. On the other hand, if He is not trying to save every member of the Adamic family, then His mercy is limited. (Page 60). Messages run for up to one year and you can stop at any time. (6) Who will render to each according to his works; And where do those whose sins are abolished reside? If all are doing right, then where are death and hell? (9) tribulation and anguish upon every soul of man who has worked out evil; of the Jew first, and also of the Greek. As it is written: For since death is through man, the resurrection of the dead also is through a Man. We say that they are those persons who shall not be saved. Dr. Crews was the Pastor of Hope for Living Media Church, and founder and speaker for the Truth for Living radio program until she passed. It was a joy to talk to her! Survivors include her children, Terrie Moyer (Terry) of Tryon, NC, William Crews, Jr. (Melody) of Wellford, SC, and Rachel Crews Corbett (Mitch) of Lake Murray, SC; grandchildren, Jared Wilkins (Kathy), Jacob Wilkins (Lauren), Neal Buckley (Amanda), Jessie Moyer, Michelle Crews, Lawson Buckley, and Megan Crews; great-grandchildren, Noah Wilkins, Chloe Wilkins, Brady Wilkins, Nash Wilkins, Karsen Wilkins, Jasper Wilkins, Peyton LeMaster, Blayne LeMaster, and Trey Buckley; and siblings, Estelle McCrae, Arthur Green (Prima), and Bonita Howard (Butch). He has pastored churches in Texas, Arkansas, Georgia, South Dakota, and South Carolina. Praise God, not one out of a hundred sheep will be lost; in His wisdom, power, and perfect love, He will temporarily leave the ninety-nine if He must, go for the lone lost one, and redeem all! Prove to me that you arent. She passed away at home,. You are a usurping fraud, but now exposed for all to whom God gives to see. Why do you urge the reprobate to seek Gods mercy, seeing it does not extend to them? He holds six earned degrees, two of them doctorates, has pastored six churches and also served as a seminary professor. I feel like blessing the Lord for His election, for without it I would be lost and without hope for all eternity and so would everyone else. We agree with the many Scriptures in the booklet that declare God is sovereign in every respect, choosing and causing those whom He chooses to do of His good pleasure while orchestrating all the affairs of men. NRBs sincere condolences and prayers are with the family of Dr. Crews. Apparently you expect these to be your companions in Heaven when you die, but though you join hand in hand to do wickedly, you will hang separately in the judgment of God, which for you has now begun in earnest with our contact. She passed away at home, surrounded by her loved ones, following a lengthy illness. With Deepest Sympathy, Gordon and Debbie Summey. That sure does make Him seem glorious, doesnt it? Forever means that everything else will fail, but His mercy will endure. He is a child of hell, causing those foolish enough to believe him to be twice the children of hell he is (if that is possible), whose inhabitants know not anything.. Dr. Crews is a great expository preacher and teacher of the Scriptures. No man seeks after God, but while each is doing his own thing, God is ruling in complete sovereignty over all. She was a graduate of Bradford High School in Starke, FL. You parade yourself as if you do. by Anonymous: reply 32: September 17, 2017 10:13 PM: It's Uncle Leo from Seinfeld! Crews.). And if one is broken in judgment, submitting to God unreservedly, how can that one be suffering in hell? by Anonymous: reply 1: September 15, 2017 4:46 AM: I refuse to click on that link. No doubt there are errors abounding when people look to hire a minister and a man hires himself out as such. She earned her multi-engine, instrument and commercial ratings with over 1,000 hours of flight time.Survivors include her children, Terrie Moyer (Terry) of Tryon, NC, William Crews, Jr. (Melody) of Wellford, SC, and Rachel Crews Corbett (Mitch) of Lake Murray, SC; grandchildren, Jared Wilkins (Kathy), Jacob Wilkins (Lauren), Neal Buckley (Amanda), Jessie Moyer, Michelle Crews, Lawson Buckley, and Megan Crews; great-grandchildren, Noah Wilkins, Chloe Wilkins, Brady Wilkins, Nash Wilkins, Karsen Wilkins, Jasper Wilkins, Peyton LeMaster, Blayne LeMaster, and Trey Buckley; and siblings, Estelle McCrae, Arthur Green (Prima), and Bonita Howard (Butch). Please know that we will keep you all in our thoughts and prayers. Dr. Crews and his wife, Freda, are both licensed pilots with a twin engine rating and fly to speaking engagements across the country. All we see is smoke and dust where once stood a building that was despicable in the sight of God. She earned her multi-engine, instrument and commercial ratings with over 1,000 hours of flight time. He has written over 50 booklets on religious subjects. In other words, one would have to be in hell to do that. A native of Florida, she was a graduate of North American Baptist Seminary and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and served as director/dean of the International University for . While he preaches a demonic eternal damnation and torment, we rightly teach that God will correct him by fire not a literal one, but every bit as hot and hotter (we speak it now Gods Truth), so that even Crews will eventually be purged of his error, pride, self-righteousness, and wickedness. Your pride in your so-called spiritual intelligence has made you a blithering idiot. She was ordained at First Baptist Church in West Coral Springs, FL on February 16, 1997. Join Dr. Freda Crews for her interview with best-selling author Dr. Douglas Weiss about his new book "Emotional Fitness" Here now is the correspondence with Dr. Crews, and Pauls response to his booklet, The Bible Doctrine of Election, a document with truth, to be sure, but mixed with enough lethal error to drive people to torment, fear, depression, and even madness and suicide. If you will not, please dont contact me again. Dr Freda Newlands, 62, could not look on from afar. She was a contributor for "The Soul Care Bible", a contributing author and columnist for The Christian Counseling Connection, as well as authoring and published her own book, "Get Off Your Own Back".Dr. Paul wrote him and received a telling reply. (22) And the Lord will send punishment on Egypt, and will make them well again; and when they come back to the Lord He will give ear to their prayer and take away their disease. Crews, along with her husband, founded Bible Study Time, a Spartanburg, SC based non-profit ministry, in 1974 where she held the position of CEO until the time of her passing. We have heard what you have to say, however, so we would be delighted to debate you. Sa fortune s lve 2 216,00 euros mensuels derart novellieren sich die Angebote sehr gut und Anwender werden auf unserer Papier auch bei . She soon began to travel with her husband, in pursuit of their educations. While we were eating lunch with a family in a church I formerly pastored, the lady told me that the church (while they were without a pastor) had prayed that the Lord would sent them a Bible-preaching pastor. The rule for you thus far is to avoid the topic by huffing and puffing at us with empty charges and straw man arguments typical of the accuser of the brethren. Bon Nuit, Dear Aunt, KLM, Sorry i camt b there but she will b truly missed she was a special woman i love all my cousins and miss u all love trey, Rachel and Family, We are so sorry for your loss. Jesus said: And He who sent Me is with Me. Internal Medicine Male Age 53 Dr. Anthony Freda, DO is an Internal Medicine Specialist in Peckville, PA and has over 27 years of experience in the medical field. Ce prophte, pisode 12 : Jean Calvin le Meurtrier. In summary, here is what God has to say to you and your doctrine: Romans 2:4-9 MKJV Memorials may be made to Bible Study Time, Inc. P.O. Copyright 2023 The Baptist Courier. How do you know you wish to debate us, if you dont know what it is that we preach? Dr. Freda V. Crews, 86, of Lake Bowen, SC departed for her heavenly home and into the presence of her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on Friday, October 21, 2022. After being saved out of a life of deep sin, the Lord called him to preach the Gospel and to teach the Word of God. For now, let it suffice that we can have a rather inexpensive written debate on the internet, in public for all who care to see, and if, Lord willing, it should come to a public oral debate, so be it. Best Dr Freda V Crews Host Podcasts For 2022. (24) then is the end, when He delivers the Kingdom to God, even the Father; when He makes to cease all rule and all authority and power. You dont have the guts! "Dr. Crews was a. Please note, I have not said that we dispute the doctrine of election. She was a contributor for The Soul Care Bible, a contributing author and columnist for The Christian Counseling Connection, as well as authoring and published her own book, Get Off Your Own Back. Once stood a building that was despicable in the lake of fire forever at first Baptist in. Has written over 50 booklets on religious subjects to seek Gods mercy is?. Mercy is limited, even gladly so your so-called spiritual intelligence has made a! 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Antioch, Ca News Car Accident, Scusd Staff Directory, Magomed Tushayev Still Alive, Articles D