Hayley gives the tonic Freya made so he won't be possessed again by Dahlia and he drinks it. Klaus turns to Hayley and tells her to get Elijah to charm Josephine into calling off the witch hunt, to which Hayley says she should be there to protect Hope. Enough with the charade, Hayley demands the Hollow to return her daughter back to her. Finally, still smiling, Klaus did and felt their child he smiled one more time to Hayley and left the room. After he found out about her and Hope, he drifted away and Ansel found him and taught him the old ways of being a werewolf. After all are in agreement, Hayley asks Cami if she's okay with being bait, but she shakes off the nervousness and says to make it look convincing. He invites both of them and the pack to live at the compound and congratulates them. She is not dating anyone. While they are in the tunnel they find Klaus. When Elijah asks for the werewolves to come to the feast of the blessings she declines. In Aprs Moi, Le Dluge, Klaus has shown to care about Hayley, outside the baby and shares with her the discovery of his werewolf clan. Tyler assures him she doesn't, but Damon's suspicion seems to plant doubt in Tyler's mind. Hayley, Elijah, and Marcel arrive at St. Anne's church. Davina tells Klaus and Hayley the Hollow's one weakness is Hayley. Before he succeeds, Cami puts the shackles on him and Jackson goes over to see if Hayley's alright. In this flashback, Hayley was in her daughter's nursery where she wrote to her a letter. She asks him where she can find Marcel and if he doesn't tell her he'll die. Hayley considers and tells him that since she's a hybrid, she can control her change and if the marriage works, then the wolves would get her power and not have to rely on the moonlight rings. She fights back against Elijah and runs. He tells they needs to talk about a ritual to save Hope and to stop the Hollow. This time, Klaus separates himself from Hayley and their daughter for nearly seven years. She can be somewhat of a tomboy, in that she doesn't buy into the usual expectations held for teenage girls; she scoffs at high school pretenses, doesn't seem to get on well with other girls, and holds her own against her male counterparts. When Freya tells them she needs more time to see if Elijah's soul is in there, they all of them break down in tears. Still at the Bayou, they come across a sacrifice in progress. Once Rebekah tells her that Klaus is probably planning to have a coffin for her once she gives birth and gives her advice to break the hex and leave, Hayley stays still, stunned and seriously considering Rebekah's words. Trivia (4) Studied at New York City's prestigious Neighborhood Playhouse in 2006. He then says to take care of her and leaves. Hayley was the mother of the first naturally born tribrid, Hope Mikaelson, the daughter she had with the Original Hybrid, Niklaus Mikaelson. She and Elijah then converse across the compound and the Kenner apartment. She tells her that even though the Mikaelson's need her, Jackson needs her too. She explains the three colors and when she smokes it, it releases black smoke, which means there's a hex, which they realize Dahlia was responsible for the storm going on. Books; New . The Vampire Diaries Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. After Hope's departure, Hayley falls into depression. When Elijah tries to kill Hayley, she is saved by the mysterious woman who had been following her. She tells Rebekah what she saw in his mind and it scares her but and at the same time she's okay with it. Posted on: dinsdag,3 november 2020 how old was hayley marshall when she died Hayley gets a text message from Klaus telling her Elijah is not at Marcel's home; that he never made it there last night. witchy treats tastykake; ginger scooter scunthorpe Freya tells her not to long so they must hurry to come up with another plan. In Dance Back from the Grave, Hayley is first seen when she is looking Davina's drawings about Celeste, hoping to find out why she drew them. Elijah knows they are over and their relationship was doomed. Hayley expresses her current state to him, saying she's knocked up and has nowhere to go. Telling her she won't hurt her. Elijah tells Hayley it was a lovely wedding and that he's going to be joining Marcel in Algiers, as with his guidance, the vampire community could prosper. Klaus saved her and they became allies, and they slept together once on a drunken whim. She was also the wife of Jackson Kenner and was the alpha of the Crescent Wolf Pack. Hayley is the first hybrid to fall under the Crescent curse. Back in the courtyard Hayley tells Elijah and Klaus that Hope's fever is back but she is doing alright. Klaus took custody of their child after offering Dahlia the alternative of cursing Hayley instead of killing her. Hayley holds an unconscious Hope inside of the pentagram, which is going to be used for the ritual. She and Jackson are waiting for Aiden to arrive, but he never shows, but Marcel does and tells them that the club is safest in town right now. She is then sitting at the edge of her bed until Elijah walks in telling her he took Marcel's life, and she tries to comfort him. She then gets anxious when the calls she tries to make don't go through and tells the wolves that they need help right now, but they are all killed by Dahlia. She and Klaus then leave New Orleans after deciding it's best for Hope, with the war that's coming. They continue to talk about all of the sacrifices he made for her and for the Mikaelson family. She cups his face, looking at the wound on his cheekbone and she vamps out, feeding on him. Klaus asks Hayley if she knows any of Katherine's allies, and she responds teasingly that she might know a couple and she might even tell him about them. Klaus tells her she needs to stay in the house for her own safety since Marcel still knows there's a rogue werewolf out who killed his nightwalkers. She doesn't say a word to him and walks away. This angers Hayley. When Hope starts crying, Hayley tells him she needs to stop and feed her, and he tells her to get some guys and go to a hideout. She then tells Mary that she can't continue to watch Hope all by herself and to teach her about Hope's magic. Hayley tells Freya that she will forgive her by doing something for her. As the two are having a fight, Hayley pulls out a piece of wood which was stuck in her stomach, rushes to Klaus' location and quickly attacks Lucien with a shovel. After Freya leaves Hayley stays behind and continues to go through her family stuff. She awakens sometime later and punches Aurora in the face and tells Cami to go ahead and put the syringe in Aurora, which knocks her out. She tells her she saved her life. The Hollow, back in her spirit form, destroys the pendant once and for all, and tells them that Hope now belongs to her. When they get to St. Anne's Church Cami is discouraged reminding Hayley that newly turned vampires are quite weak. Hayley gets in the truck and leaves. Hayley, Kol, and Freya go to St. Louis Cathedral. She is an actress, known for Crescent City (2011), The Sad and Lonely Glow (2015) and The Kings of Yorktown (2012). As if the pressure of birthing the world's first witch-werewolf-vampire tribrid wasn't enough, Hayley also had to deal . You have my word on that.Elijah to Hayley in Always and Forever. She also talks to Lisina in the Bayou about Henry and tells her she's doing it for the werewolves. Hayley's pregnancy. Freya offers a tonic that will make sure Dahlia will not possess them and Hayley takes a drink of it. In Give 'Em Hell Kid, she walks with Klaus and Elijah alongside other mourners behind Cami's coffin. Although Hayley ultimately betrayed Tyler, she seems to have genuinely cared for him, as she refused to allow Tyler to be used in the sacrifice. Elijah wants her to stay out of it and to return to the compound for her safety and that of her daughter, Hayley however disagrees. Elijah goes to talk to her and expresses his disappointment in Hayley. She was the last Labonair and that could have been leveraged for the vampires, but instead, he brought her to Father Kieran. When she has both she will let Keelin go. After some disagreements, Hayley snaps at Kol telling him she hasn't seen her daughter Hope in a while and she will do anything to bring back Klaus so she can see Hope again. As he continues to yell at her for being trapped. Hayley possessed the standard powers and abilities of a non-Evolved werewolf. If I want something, I take it. Freya tells her she covered two knives with Hope's blood. She starts to wonder if the Hollow was behind the deaths of the Labonairs and if it wants to finish what it started. She was described as "gorgeous, but tough as nails and also very protective". She triggered the werewolf curse when she was drunk on a boat trip and accidentally killed someone. Hayley says that she doesn't want to keep things from him either and if he is about to see Sophie then he should know something important. Hayley heads over to the The Compound and helps Freya in finding where Aurora, or they will kill her. Hayley and Jackson are still at the church and she asks how he found her. When she gets up, Jackson looks shocked at what happened to Hayley, however she replies that she is okay and tells Jackson to inject the serum into her heart. The Hollow shows herself and snaps Hayley's neck. She continues to walk and chooses a random door. Hayley, smiling, said that he has the biggest ego before felt her baby's kick. She tells him they have got to stop putting their lives in danger to help save others and she doesn't want this to happen to Hope. Hayley then killed Francesca as vengeance. Her determination to learn more about where she came from seems to be the reason for her behavior in the past. But the spell keeping him there is too strong and Hayley offers to help Freya break the spell, allowing her to be channeled. Hayley was first worried about becoming a mother and her pregnancy and even considered to abort the fetus. Overwhelmed and unable to concentrate, Hayley tells her to rest. Hayley later came to Mystic Falls looking for Tyler and began to help him break the sire bonds of some of Klaus' other hybrids in order to sacrifice them. Jackson tells her he was angry all the time and that when he took over as Alpha, it calmed him down a little bit. As Freya recites a spell, the Mikaelsons become lifeless and Hayley stands alone. Hayley is a strikingly gorgeous female hybrid with light olive skin, hazel green eyes, and dark brown hair. Hayley seems annoyed by this, but quickly forgives him. Hayley eventually wakes up and demands to know where Hope went. Mary tells her to be safe. She confesses to him that she read his journals to find Celeste's body, because Sophie could help her family with their curse. Hayley tries to talk with "Hope" again, to play some chess and have a snack together. She also tells him that she appreciates him helping her and that if there's any chance of making Finn an ally, he needs to go. To say that The Originals' werewolf queen Hayley Marshall (Phoebe Tonkin) had an eventful pregnancy with baby Hope is putting it mildly. Aiden and Hayley arrive at Marcel's loft and Marcel asks why his place is being used as a den for wayward wolves. To tell him he was right. She asks where Kayla is and begins to leave, and tells Klaus that she knows what it was like to go through the triggered curse, but Klaus won't allow it and gets ready to leave. Hope agrees to help, but Hayley tells her it's okay if she doesn't want to help. After this revelation, she fled town and began working with Katherine Pierce. He reveals that his grandfather, Richard Xavier Dumas, killed her parents since they wanted to reunite their packs and find peace with Marcel, but he was hell-bent on raging with the vampires instead. She then looks at Klaus and as she does, Aurora snaps her neck, throws her unconscious body across the room and falls on the ground in a corner. She follows Jackson and asks him if he's going to a speech and drink all day, and talks about how they should get the wolves back together and wrote everything Ansel said about being a wolf. Marcel then tells her that the suicide bomber had a gambling problem, this might lead her to was really behind the explosions in the Bayou. They are honest with each other and are currently working together to protect their child as well as protecting each other. After Jackson's death, Hayley briefly returned to the compound but has since left New Orleans with her daughter and the Mikaelsons in coffins in a sleeping spell. Hayley visits Davina again and is friendly until Davina accuses her of lying and that she is using her because she wants something from her. She calls Klaus and both look for her. While Klaus goes to find Agnes, Elijah manages to keep her temperature down by holding her against him in the swimming pool as Sophie makes a potion and gives it to Hayley until Davina unlinks them and the effects of the needle cease, saving Hayley of losing her child. Freya suggests that she goes bite her brother, however, she tells them that each of them has the coordinates to Rebekah's location. Hayley holds hands with Freya while she begins her spell. In Brotherhood of the Damned, she is at the bayou with Aiden and Jackson. Rebekah answered that if she can't she wanted Hayley to tell her daughter about "Crazy Auntie Bex" and despite her absence, she loves her very much. She is also confident in her belief that she could take down both Esther and Finn, despite the latter taking down both Klaus and Elijah, and the former being one of the most powerful witches in history, and the one responsible for the creation of vampires. She wants Elijah to promise her that Klaus is not the only thing she knows and that she needs him to be there for Hope. When Hayley is at Josephine's mansion with Gia and Elijah, she is uncomfortable and keeps clearing her throat, to which Gia goes to see if she can find Josephine. She was born as Andrea Labonair in New Orleans into one of the two ruling families of the Crescent Wolf Clan, but her mother and father were . One of their reasons to kill off Hayley was to have the opportunity to show how the other characters will react to her death, and how it will change them. She tells them about the unification ceremony and if she and Jackson get married, they all would inherit her abilities and not have to use the rings anymore. Freya argues with her, but before anything is else said, Elijah appears. The vampire hisses it was a bad move coming to the quarter- as werewolves were chased away by Marcel- and she huffs she is sick and tired of vampire's telling her what to do before throwing the cup into his face. In Beautiful Mistake, Hayley noticed a vampire tailing her and led him into an alleyway where she tried to ambush him but he quickly had the upper hand until she bit him and infected him with werewolf venom. Before Mary can continue any further, the vampires arrive and start trying to feed on the wolves. When she says that Eva went after witch prodigies and children instead, Hayley realizes that's why she went after Hope. When Tyler comes back, he finds Hayley has gone and Klaus tells him she left. He then tells her his whole family has treated her horribly and she still chooses to interact with them. As Vincent uses Elijah as an anchor to stop the spell, Hayley stabs Elijah with wood. They tell each other how they feel about each other and how Elijah wants to take her to France. Freya tells them her talisman is now becoming unstable and it won't be able to hold Elijah's soul for much longer. Hayley comes into the building and asks him about Alaska, he says he could live there and they smile before they hear a scream in agony and sees Klaus. Elijah shows Hayley his family history to her, to explain how it is possible that she's carrying a Hybrid child and promises to protect her. According to Rebekah, Hayley's daughter, Hope, looks just like Hayley. After convincing from Hayley, Marcel listens as he wants vengeance against what Finn did to his vampires. This quote is the fundamental moral of how Hayley, and eventually Klaus, looks at family and parenthood. She tells him about Keelin and he tells her to release her as it'll just keep being in her mind if she doesn't. She breaks free from her chains and tries to figure out a way to get out of there. She also tells Freya she needs to know if it will stop the Hollow from coming after her daughter. After Josephine says that Elijah is the one who needs them, Hayley appears behind her and Josephine grabs her wrists. Hayley stays in New Orleans to raise her daughter and finds love again with a human. They both head to The Compound with Hope and have a Christmas party with the Mikaelsons. Hayley tells Klaus they need to start taking some family pictures. Freya apologizes for not telling Hayley that Keelin was still hanging around the Mikaelsons. Elijah says that she doesn't need to eavesdrop because he doesn't hide anything from her. In A Ghost Along the Mississippi, Hayley and Jackson were captured by the Strix and taken to Tristan. Your Mom. Caroline and Klaus see Hayley and Tyler arrive, which seems to upset Caroline. She tells him he chose him and married him. She tells him she is going and he can't stop her. While battling the Purist vampires, Hayley is surprised to see Elijah, but realizes his memories of her are gone when he helps one of the Purist vampires instead of Hayley during their fight. She has a private talk with Klaus to ask him where Elijah is. Hayley tells Mary that she's sorry for what happened to Jackson and Mary doesn't blame him, as everyone has baggage and that she stood by Jackson and fought for him, as many married folks don't do that. As the two got into a car and started driving back to the city, they got into a huge car crash which completely destroyed their vehicle. Hayley gives Hope's hairbrush to Freya. Hayley and Hope talk about Klaus and how grateful they both are for Hope saving his life. However, Hayley is also a hypocrite, when she learnt from Tyler that Klaus is (supposedly) that their child's blood can make hybrids, and he plans to use their child's blood once she is born to make an army of hybrids to take over New Orleans, as she quickly condemned him for this supposed action of his, however, she once used Tyler for her own selfishness, even if it was to find out where she came from, and who her family is, which indirectly resulted in Tyler's mother's death, as well as ruining his life. Hayley Marshall-Kenner's Funeral was held for Hayley Marshall-Kenner in God's Gonna Trouble the Water after she died to kill Greta Sienna in What, Will, I, Have, Left . Back at the house, Klaus has returned and is berating Rebekah and Hayley for their actions, wondering why exactly Hayley was in the quarter in the first place. And how they can't keep sacrificing themselves. Hayley left a voicemail for Elijah and told him she no longer wanted her daughter to be a Mikaelson. Hayley Mills Birthday Hayley Mills was born on April 18, 1946 and is 76 years old now. She is then talking to Marcel on the phone and finds out that Klaus took the blame for Aiden's death and tells him the pack's morale isn't exactly great, but Marcel tells her that she either be a friend or a leader, but she can't be both, which Hayley starts thinking about. Hayley is thrown back by the explosion, but she isn't physically hurt. He tells her he didn't. And Hayley tells him he's safer at the Abattoir. As the keep sparring, Hayley tells him about how she wants to rip everything apart and is worried about it. He cryptically tells her that its far from over and that they are just the beginning. She soon meets Rebekah, who at first thought she was the maid, and asks her to fetch her bags from the car. She was adopted by a human family but they kicked her out after her first kill and transformation on a full moon. She then tells Keelin that Freya is the only one who can wake up the others. She says she has a better chance getting out alive, and that the Hollow will be his problem as well. How Old Is Hayley Mills? Hayley goes to the Bayou with some beer, she tries to talk with Jackson's spirit. They all kneel and Jackson says she'll always be their queen. Hayley says goodbye to her baby. Sometime later she talks with Klaus. While there, she met Jane-Anne and Sophie Deveraux, who detected her pregnancy. After her werewolf nature was bound, she had the typical weaknesses of a non-Original vampire. which will discuss all of Rick Riordan's projects, new and old. Hayley looks down and quickly admits "just a little one". On Wednesday night's new episode, we ended up seeing what may be the most shocking, tragic death on the show in quite some time as Roman's terrible mother officially killed Hayley Marshall off right in front of Klaus. Hayley says she will handle Marcel. In From a Cradle to a Grave, we see a flashback of who seats between A Closer Walk With Thee and The Battle of New Orleans. Hayley arrives at Kayla's trailer and embraces her, telling her since there's not much of a pack left, she might need someone to talk to. Elijah is unable to kill Aya, therefore Hayley stakes her and tells her that it is more mercy than Jackson ever got. Hayley sets off to find Tyler when she hears from one of Klaus' hybrids, who was from a pack she used to run with, talking about protecting him, She surprises Tyler when she shows up at his house unannounced, something which Tyler is clearly happy about. She has also expressed a desire to raise the child alongside Klaus. Elijah gets Klaus to talk to her. Elijah is currently grieving Hayley's loss. When she tells him that they have a way to keep Hope from doing magic and that Jackson will protect them, she tells Elijah to buy them some time. Marcel and Hayley are about to take Klaus and Elijah out of the water but Davina stops them with magic. Shen broke free of his constraints and easily overpowered Hayley and Marcel, shoving his hand into both of their chests, planning to tear out their hearts. Hayley is tempted but she doesn't accept the offer. She joins Elijah by the fireplace and tells him that he has to forgive himself, and he then kisses her passionately. She puts her daughter's safety and fate before her own needs by giving up her daughter to Rebekah, even if it breaks her heart. She begs him to fight back but he allows her to beat him bloody until she realizes her baby is behind her. In An Old Friend Calls, Hayley is at the compound looking at a piece of paper with a list of names on it. She shushes him as Hope is asleep and tells him that she came to feed Hope and put her down for a nap. Klaus found them and threatened Marcel, neutralizing Rebekah in the process. Hayley is angry and says since it doesn't want to be Alpha, she'll rescue Oliver herself. When Hayley, Jackson and a few other werewolves are sitting at a campfire she feels her baby kick for the first time on screen. She then grabs Oliver's arm and holds him against the wall and tells him since this is her pack it's her business as well. In Phantomesque, Hayley, Freya and Klaus talk about resurrecting Elijah by healing and placing his soul back into his body. She says she doesn't want Hope's story of her family trying to destroy her and that family is supposed to love and that despite Dahlia being gone, she would inherit Klaus' many enemies and that she doesn't deserve all the anger and rage coming from the Mikaelson name. She then sits besides Cami's body and tells her that it's not fair how her daughter will never get to know her and she deserved better. In Queen Death, Hayley wakes up in her bed, but quickly notices that Elijah never came be home from the previous night. She asks him if he was the one who killed her parents. Hope you guys like it! She also told to Klaus that she will never find peace and her pain will not fade until she can hold Hope in her arms again. She tells him that Finn needs to be distracted in order to rescue Oliver from execution. Hayley hugs Hope and tells her Mary is now in charge and Hope is okay with that. In The Other Girl in New Orleans, Hayley heads to the The Compound after Elijah texted her to help him. She wants to go back to being a werewolf as she doesn't want to live as a vampire and hates being one. Mary hands her a piece of paper with another Wolfpack name on it. The Originals airs Wednesdays at 9 . Mary shows her what a voodoo queen showed her and that the herb is used when magic is afoot. He responds that it shouldn't matter to her as long as her people benefit from it. In Aprs Moi, Le Dluge, Hayley meets Elijah who is on his way to meet Sophie. As Jackson gains the upper hand he begins to choke her, as he is choking her Jackson turns into Elijah. Elijah finally realizes he hurt her and lets her go. She tells him about her love for Elijah, despite knowing what he is and knowing he's a monster. Of their child after offering Dahlia the alternative of cursing Hayley instead of killing her a vampire hates! 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