I will keep the scope of this topic to relate to BRs 1.0 to 7.0 in RB, with the primary emphasis being on 4.X-5.X. Relative merit is in play here. Allied CAS is absolutely by far and away superior, only the 37mm armed Bf-110G is superior to allied cas, it's actually really good. I will keep the scope of this topic to relate to BRs 1.0 to 7.0 in RB, with the primary emphasis being on 4.X-5.X. Yes, with an M18 I am also eaily killed from the front due to lack of armor. I have never had the tracks heat not go through the tracks so not sure where you get that I've sank so many games into T series and not once has that happened. So don't play into his game, your typical player basereallygets a kick out of surprises. Be always aware of this. 'German players' are not somehomogenous group, clearly people play different nations. Not enough apparently the M41 appears to be shrouded in mediocrity that is the M41. Hard cover will always be superior to armor in WT. Also the air tech tree actually is borderline OP too. Well technically everyone suffers but you would have clicked on this otherwise. Uptiers are a pervasive issue for every nation at one point or another, with the severity of this problem varying widely. And here comes the issue with uptiers. But to argue the tiger 2 has a worse hull than the T series is a joke. Bouncing for when we are talking about the gun of Hellcat (especially the 90mm), Marder and Archer. None of this is specific to Germany or the Americans mind you. You have to angleit correctly to make it work. These same players will often say that German vehicles lesser mobility means the Germans simply cannot compete with the more nimble Allied vehicles--ignoring Germanys other merits. 4. An Panther however loses his main advantage of better armor. There are major gaps in all the TTs that need to be addressed. The stock ammo for them is useless! I've whacked Leopards with my SU-5-1 but didn't have much to do with the vehicles. APDS is guaranteed damage, just aim for specific crew one at a time or shoot for modules. Despite the complaints about Germany's WRs, they're not bad really. FRENCH AVIATION TREE IS A JOKE! Also .50 cals have too much pen, loosing light tanks and all sorts of AA vehicles to those is no fun, especially if other nation just have to rely on their main guns. Aside from the pre-nerf Horton flying wing, Germany really hasn't had a plane that could both match allied CAS's ability to make multiple strikes against hard targets and simultaneously hold its own in securing the airspace. And it is this knowledge that will the panther driver often stop from advancing beyond certain points on the map, because he thinks: " There is probably a M18 on the enemy team and based on my experience and knowledge of the map I know that beyong this point there is a high chance that the M18 is somewhere on the edge of the map behind a hill and is waiting till I leave my cover. Another thing, soviet top tier vehicles are fully in meta, with T80B, T72A or T80U you get into action really fast, you have anti-panic shot armor layout, fast reload. Penetration analysis is bugged with AP and APDS. The personal well being of the person who capped it means little to the team if they have succeeded--that part of their reason for being is fulfilled by then. sdkfz 123 panzerspahwagen ii luchs fast . 5. Denying that problem only makes it worse. No he won't hide/wait in a fast boi,he'll drive to your side of the map to look for you if you keep him waiting. And we can't skip over the SPAAs either when discussing counters against CAS. 2. Arado B-2 with 3x 500kg bomb as light bomber. You can angle the T__ turret is what I was saying, which turns the flat 200mm into 240+mm pretty easily. warrior412, February 10, 2020 in General & Upcoming, Germany has a p-47 just like the allies? And i find that the 88 one shots the T series rather easily now through the turret. Now, lets address the imagined problems of Germany so that the real ones can be identified and addressed! Germany should rely on armor but more often than not it is countered with vehicles that can lol pen. 1. jagdtiger having stupidly high Br at 7.3 arcade. Germany has some of the best CAS, the best SPAA, the best light tanks, and just the best overall line up at 6.7 yet they are generally performing in the range or sometimes below that of worse nations at the same BR despite facing the same threats such as France, Italy, and Japan. is getting boosted taking them out requires specific loadouts and concentration, which makes the CAS player very susceptible for enemy fighters, this is further exacerbated by the poor balance among the nations at different br.s. Oh definitely trade-offs are to be expected. Germany has access to the P-47 the same way the US has access to the 109 and 190. I can't even tell whether they even attempted to add the incendiary ammunition, like the phosphor round. Yes, but just pointing out that "Japanese bias" has been used before. The Soviet nation has very little at 6.X--almost as few vehicles as the Americans do at 4.X. Uptier your Panthers that can't even penetrate the side of the T__ turret? The first two points can be resolved by reforming the German tree to not have the jumps that it has and by requiring players to unlock more vehicles to progress to such higher BRs (as other nations have). It's best to make do with what you have at the moment plus its amusing flanking with big bulky vehicles. It's not pleasant to head into an area that's being directly contested, but if you want to win that's how you do it. Just in case, just drive backwards or risk turning the hull sideways and drive foreward (). Germany has a p-47 just like the allies? Also Centurions have a 2-plane stabilizer that for some reason acts like it's from 2020, which lets you use hard cover or play behind a hill, only popping your turret out briefly to take easy shots. The real question would be if you can deny the enemy taking the capture point from long ranges, which would be a resounding no. Same procedure as with Panthers. Done. Which is why its more rewarding when they pull it off as they had to put more effort into making it work and that's what people need nowadays a challenge. Slow speed handling of the Panther is also very bad, making it a bad brawler in CQC situations where you most likely would have to turn with the traverse to get on target in that tank. - East Germany suffers! FW 190's can go for air targets and ordnance is sufficient to bomb a tank and strafe lights. The M18's like any vehicle that doesn't get shot. This works both ways, ifa potential target learns the maps thisscenario can be avoided. War Thunder trading. AMX-13 10k REPAIR SILVER? Not so long ago, when the update was released, I made a post that currently has over 3000 views . On the contrary, the mixture of traits that German vehicles get is often favorable. Falcon is especially broken as it handles like a light tank with 110mm of pen a super rapid fire rate. This line comes up in many venues and references many things--but what does it mean? If it's perfectly fine as a comparison, then why is CQC fighting the rulewhen GJ is designing maps,while we clearly can make it a more interesting battle if every nation can face their strengths and shortcomings on the battlefield. At 6.7 the US T series are much more survivable when it comes to being hit. He can easily continue flank and pen King Tigers from the side. More like genre savvy actuallyI know the score. Fapadoska, 1 hour ago in Questions to the Team. The likes of P-47s and Fireflies can make multiple distinct strikes against armor before working to secure the skies of the battlefield. They are the equivalent to the surge of M22s that the allies occasionally see when some overly loud youtuber decides to make a video about "haha ebic meme tank"causing an influx. That advice is not about any narrative, its about the best way around that shortcoming. Isn't it a bit dishonest to completely "forget" to bring out the more negative aspects of the panther? If we only knew the do black people have bigger penis rate at which the penis size men earth how to make your dick bigger review porn hentai penis growth is cooling we might calculate back to this time with some assurance of certainty, always, however, on the assumption average penis size when not erect that the earth is simply a hot body cooling like any other hot body such, say, as a red . Neither does it have much of a turret traversethis would of course be no issue if the capture points weren't only inside cities where traverse matters!). There are things the T series better and the game tends to play to those advantages mord than to the tiger 2s but the differences between the two aren't much trust me on that one. One of those is a premium, one of them was added literally last month and has an abysmal stock grind, and the last one is a terrible casemate TD that happens to be somewhat faster than a medium tank. The armor is nowhere never Tiger II H level. interactions? The problem with German CAS at most BRs is that US/UK CAS counters German CAS. Maus at 7.0? So you are saying that if weassume the classic map setup in Warthunder, where we have a cap point roughly in the middle of the map and the team starting on the opposite edges, the slower tank can win the game by camping after crossing only aquarter of the map? The entire team proceeds to die because there is no one to set up a lodgement because everyone wants to play their uber heavy and those who want to play light tanks end up using a LT that is completely ineffective against 90% of the targets. He can just wait till you start to cap and go around you. history projects. - Panther is a medium tank and cheaper to spawn. Sometimes it works. As for the Bf 110G, it is superb--it's only fault is that it's ranked as a Tier II rather than a Tier III. A COMMENTARY ON THE BOOK OF LEVITICUS - Bonar. My guess, this is the reason some players dont like the Panther, because you can not get out of trouble fast. 3. That is basically telling your enemy "I am here" and to commit assisted suicide. The allegation is that because the Germans Tigers and Panthers cannot keep pace with the Americans M18s, the Russians T-34-85s and other like vehicles that the Germans simply cannot compete with these vehicles or the teams that use them. The likes of P-47s and Fireflies can make multiple distinct strikes against armor before working to secure the skies of the battlefield. There are many, many more ways in which Germany is claimed to suffer--these are just a few that I chose to address for this first post. - He will go around you (most maps allow that) and pop up in you rear. In general, German win rates are in the 40s even at their lowest and this means that they're near the balancing point (the 45-55% range, being within +/-5 of 50%). While German vehicles cannot quite match others vehicles in a drag race, this does not mean German vehicles are bad. Besides, Panther II mounts the long 88 so T__ tanks still can and will bounce it with ease. All of these things are important, with at least one being exceptional for a vehicle to be any good generally. Are there plans to finally separate ww2 (and pre-ww2) vehicles from post ww2 (like vehicles made during the cold war and after) in battles? If your going to pull the hvars are the best thing out their it shows how little you know. This is of course a burden if you're in a CQC situation where the APDS will easily pen your frontal armor. I invite others to list other claims of alleged German suffering so that those can be talked about. 20112022 Gaijin Games Kft. buy panzer ii amp luchs the world war ii Allied tanks have a thinner top armor in general than the German and Soviet tanks, which makes a high pen round not a necessary feature to get kills from the air. T92, T114 are the most common culprits but yes there are more. This leads to US players spamming the turret and thus smoking the gunners view. As a bad player I would say that German ground vehicles require a lot of patience to play effectively. Are there plans to restructure the the air br system or decomress the br. You cant carry against so many players. It is almost exactly the same as the normal Tiger II, about the same play time yet it has a 47% WR compared to 43%. This is the same reason I don't accept the "muh KV1-B" argument or "muh KV-220" because most players can't even use these vehicles. I'll have to talk about CAS soon I suppose. The game is based around combined arms battles on air, land, and sea with vehicles from the Great War to today. Second, almost every US tank has .50 cals for AA purposes. Otherwise we can also assume incompetent Panther players who just drive on the highest hill and stand in the open hoping that noone sees them and try to snipe enemies. The Tiger II Sla.16 is the one outlier in Germany 6.7. For anyone who has ever played War Thunder and certainly for those who have perused the forums, the line Germany suffers! is probably something youve heard before. If you have a side shot why not just shoot the side of it it only has 77mm of armor why the side of the turret. While mobility has it's place, it's only one of the triad of armament, armor and mobility. Which is situational and works only on several maps. For Centurion Mk.3 vs King Tiger H, The long 88 can kill the Cent before it can point precisely on its turret cheek. It would actually give Germany some nice, War Thunder map friendly brawling options, like T-34's, IS-2's, T-54's, as well as some lower BR MBT's with decent armour, like T-55's, T-72's etc. The funny part is that you say thatbut you give absolutely no reasonfor why you saythat. - If it is a sufficiently big map he will just cap before you even get to see the cap point. By and large, Germanys main strength is firepower with armor being the secondary asset. Lets assume competent players who don't gamble. He usually has like 5 different options. There are many, many more ways in which Germany is claimed to suffer--these are just a few that I chose to address for this first post. Also, most capture points are arranged such to allow for substantial firing work into/out of them from such ranges. panzer ii ausf l luchs mit bildern panzer panzer ii. Many German players will often hang back and camp (which can be good, if done in moderation--Germany gets above average exchange rates this way) but critically, problems arise when these players never do move up. Last thing is that Centurions have a lower top speed than king tigers but have much better acceleration and reactionary mobility, and the ability to fire on the move means they have overall greater effective mobility on the battlefield. I "like" how you start out this topic with some kind of meme-theme, that there's nothing to it more than it being perceived as "suffering!" MidCii; Jul . The stock ammo misery for every leos and m48 etc. Clearly you haven't seen Gaijin's big maps from afar before. If you turn it to the side you just shoot the huge side of the turret. Most american team comps I see are at least 80% heavy tanks but they get away with it because their heavies can actually reliably bounce shots. Really? And the side of the turret doesn't really mean alot as you can still punch through it with basically the same thing as the other you die no matter what so if you good up that shot its on you. - During all that time you will be sitting in your spot hoping that the enemy pops up exactly where you predict it knowing that he could also pop up behind you. Pretty unfair that almost all US tanks have those AA HMGs. Let me repeat that. Join the Discord Here: https://discord.gg/cgctjTR5hjHope you all enjoy this video/short from an interesting moment in-game! Need to be addressed ( ), 1 hour ago in Questions to the p-47 the same way US! Ones can be talked about this does not mean German vehicles can not get out trouble. Can not get out of surprises about CAS soon I suppose I 'll have to angleit correctly to make with... Yes there are more Germany so that the real ones can be identified and!! With what you have to angleit correctly to make it work those can be avoided of things. 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